We Will Help You Secure $1,000,000 in Trading Capital
...We Guarantee It!

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We Guarantee To Help You Secure $1,000,000 in Capital or We Work With You For Free. Here's How:

We partner with you for 12 weeks, working with you 1on1 to secure funded trading accounts. We split the 12 weeks into four distinct phases described below.

Phase One: Develop a Quantifiable Edge

The very first thing we do when we start working with you, is we find immediate opportunities in your current trading system to increase revenue and profits in the fastest and simplest way possible.

This includes dialing in your current risk profile & strategy, as well as back and automating the implementation of that strategy with an award winning auto trading system.

Phase Two: Optimize & Automate Your Trading System

Our next focus is all about putting the key strategy and tactical systems in place in your trading to start winning more trades as soon as as possible.

With the overwhelming majority of traders, we can generate a major increase in their win rate & PnL within the first 14 days.

Phase Three: Fix Any Bad Trading Habits

Third, we will work on fixing any negative habits that are currently affecting your bottom line.

We have award winning tools designed to quickly help you stop behaviors like over trading, revenge trading, analysis paralysis, trading too much contracts, and many more.

Phase Four: Hyper Scale to $1,000,000 in Funded Accounts

Finally, we will work on putting the key systems in place to begin quickly passing multiple trading combines to increase your available trading capital.

Our goal is not simply to get you $1Million in funding, but to keep your funded accounts long enough to receive your first payout.

The End Result?

We’re so confident in our process, that we guarantee you will $1,000,000 in funding.

And here’s the best part.

If you don't secure the goal funding amount in the first 12 weeks, we will continue to work with you FOR FREE until you do.

If that sounds fair to you, book in a call below to discuss working together.

Results From Other Traders

Shamica L: Struggling trader looking to grow her account to six figures and beyond

Result: Testimonial "I just got out of a trade and I'm all smiles. I made another $348,000 bringing my brokerage account to $1.3 million dollars in just 10 weeks."

Jason Sweeting: Founder of J The Trader who worked with Tradechology to fix a severe losing streak

RESULT: "In December, I lost my father and went on a multi-thousand dollar losing streak. After working with Marcus, in the month of January, I didn't call one losing trade...not one."

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We are not Financial Advisors or a Broker/Dealer: Neither Tradechology nor any of its officers, employees, representatives, agents, or independent contractors are, in such capacities, licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisers, or registered broker-dealers. MLH Capital does not provide investment or financial advice or make investment recommendations, nor is it in the business of transacting trades, nor does it direct client commodity accounts or give commodity trading advice tailored to any particular client’s situation. Nothing contained in this communication constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, or offer by MLH Capital of any particular security, transaction, or investment.

Securities Used as Examples: The securities used in this example are used for illustrative purposes only. The calculation used to determine the return on investment “ROI” does not include the number of trades, commissions, or any other factors used to determine ROI. The ROI calculation measures the profitability of investment and, as such, there are alternate methods to calculate/express it. All information provided are for educational purposes only and does not imply, express, or guarantee future returns. Past performance shown in examples may not be indicative of future performance.

Investing Risk: Trading securities can involve high risk and the loss of any funds invested. Investment information provided may not be appropriate for all investors and is provided without respect to individual investor financial sophistication, financial situation, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance.

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